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" After UA1  I wanted to join CLEO, not least because there was a (briefly lived) hint that the Higgs particle could be detected there. I was recruited  by Dick Wilson anbd Frank Pipkin at Harvard and spent 5 years there learning the techniques used in e+e- physics."

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Was an experiment at the  Cornell Electron Storage Rings (CESR). It was especially tuned to the observation and study of the b.-mesons.

M;y physics outputs included: studies of Ds mesons and exotics. I developed a (new) method to look for monoples tracking them through the detector, searched for  axions.

I was part of the team designing the software for  the upgrade. Perhaps, most importantly, I investigated building a low mass, thin Si vertex detector (eventually installed in CLOE-III); my study, probably wrongly, concluded it was better to  choose a straw /gas detector.

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