Together with UCL, we designed and built the new tracker stations that would yield a new handle on the systematic errors of the muon magnetic moment.
We also bid for funds for a EDM measumrent.

Detectors and
Whilst at Harvard I designed an experiment, MITHRAS, MIT Harvard Reactor Axion Search to searh for low mass axions. I also proposed cylindrical Pestov chambers (CYSPAC) counters for ps TOF at SSC.

In 2000, with Tony Burton and Thierry Mertens from WHO we proposed to create an international platform for simulation and informing public health. A key motivator was we we were now able, with MAP, to consider microsimulation of the entire globe.

Development of MAP also led to work with Dennis Kehoe on creating AiMeS. An institute for bringing new CPU power to SME and enterprise business. AiMeS later became a successful organization.