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"Because there remained serious unanswered question in the Standard Model, we decided to join three muon experiments, each sensitive to different properties of the muon. The original UK insight into this was from Mark Lancaster, then at UCL. I joined g-2 and mu2e (both at FNAL), whilst Joost Vossebeld (Head of Group from 2019) joined mu3e at PSI.

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These experiments are aimed at probing new physics through precision measurements of the muon's properties. The muon is a particle similar to an electron but 200 times heavier, and is a component of cosmic rays.

Our job at Liverpool was to build components of these new experiments. For g-2 the new tracker stations, for mu2e the STM, and for mu3e the vertex detector.

On g-2 my physics interest was not only in the muon magnetic moment, but also its electric dipole moment.

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